Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cats. I miss having pets. I'm a big cat person. I must have been Egyptian in a past life,because I practically worship them.LOL. It sucks living in an apartment which doesn't allow any kind of pets(not even goldfish). In the last place I lived in was a duplex and they allowed pets.I'm moving back to Oregon in a couple of months and hopefully into a place that will allow them.

Monday, April 29, 2013

   I finished this book called E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself 
Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts
                                                        Create Your Reality
  Being a big fan of quantum physics and the law of attraction, I looked forward to reading this book. I managed to manifest this book easily and free through Hay House. I could not do three of the none experiments, I succeeded in four out of the six I tried. I know that likely the other two would have worked if I had been more focused. I have done similar experiments before at times and they worked.They worked when I put more focus and visualization into them.

  I tried experiment #1(The Dude Abides Principle) and it worked within two hours.

  I tried #4(The Abracadabra Principle),but didn't get the thing I was trying to manifest.
  For experiment #5(The Dear Abby Principle), I received my answer in the affirmative.

  In the #7 experiment(The Jenny Craig Principle), I lost 1lb. I knew of this experiment before and I did lose weight then.

  For #8(The 101 Dalmatians Principle),I did not receive any response from my target.

  Lastly,in experiment #9(The Fish and Loaves Principle), I did notice more good things in my life.

  This book is great. Even though it felt like a bit of as rehash of other books,I did learn new things. I found the author wrote in a down-to-earth way and mixed with humor. The only negative thing I have to say about the book is that it did not explain technique in detail as I would have like it to. Other than that, it is a great book.

FTC Disclosure:
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

Cayenne Pepper is a miracle for me. It had helped heal my heal a bit from dizziness caused by Post Concussion Syndrome and has helped with my digestion issues. I had diarhhea and upset stomach issues. I don't know what else it may have helped, but those were the obvious ones. There are a lot of things that cayenne could help with

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sorry for not posting here for a long time, but I have been busy for the past couple of months. I vow to post more often. I've read a few good books lately and and now I'm reading The Secret Code to Success by Noah St. John and Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley. They're great so far. I like the idea of afformations rather than affirmations(from the Secret Code to success). I've been reading a lot of self-help books lately.