Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Now I Have No Excuse

Well I got an old computer's OS repaired so that I now have my Microsoft Word and have no excuse to procrastinate on writing and publishing my books.Now the only thing is to fix my neck pain which really makes it hard to write this blog and to write longer posts.I have also been dealing a lot with my brother with autism. He had been getting more aggressive and angry and it had been scaring my mom and I. We are really clueless on how to help him with little resources and money where we live. He was getting paranoid and throwing everything we own away. Last night I didn't sleep well because he was awake all night with music on and jumping a lot. I feel alone and isolated and have no friends or family besides my mom who I can talk to here.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Book Review:Mind Over Medicine by Lissa Rankin

  This is a very good book if you are new to the placebo effect. There is some stuff in the book that I have read before and some new stuff. I'm not a big believer in the placebo effect,though. I think people can discount a treatment or healing modality that someone uses and just say it was only the placebo effect. I've had people do this to me. Some alternative medicine does work,but some people like to say it's the placebo effect which discounts treatments that really work.

  Anyways, I believe that stress can be a big factor in developing illness. I know when I'm stressed, I'm more likely to catch colds. They rarely last long. Times when members of my family caught bad colds, I didn't catch it. I put the thought in my head that I am immune to the cold virus and will not catch the virus. It works good for me.

  I like the last chapter "6 Steps to Healing Yourself" as it can help in the healing process in whatever ails you. I like how the book puts emphasis on living a healthier lifestyle by being positive,eating healthy,etc.

Overall, this is a good book which has a lot of good info.  I recommend it highly.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It's Been Over a Month...

It's been over a month since my last post. I didn't realize it's been that long.. I've been fixing my mm's laptop, dealing with a very sore neck, and organizing and packing stuff to put into storage. I am going slow ,but I am getting there. I am happy I'm working on getting a certification in the law of attraction.I'm so excited..My autistic brother is doing odder stuff which I am embarrassed to say..I can say that my ringworm has gone away completely.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Book Review: Directing Your Destiny by Jennifer Grace

I have gone through all the steps in the book. I am seeing some results of my use of the steps and techniques. For example: I wanted the goal of my family communicating better. They started calling a bit more. I also been wanting to write books for a long time and never really started. I feel the motivation to start writing. I am in the process of generating ideas for a cool short fiction novel. I am also working toward helping my autistic brother do better. I like that I'm actually seeing results since I haven't in the past worked on my goals and dreams like I wanted to. I have been motivated.

I like how mindfulness and meditation are incorporated into the process. I haven't really been a big fan of meditation in the past, but now I want to make it a bigger part of my life since I know of all the benefits. I love the mindfulness practice. I know that both of these help with the whole manifestation process. I also like the process of journaling.

If you want to manifest your dreams then get this book. It can also help you learn to reprogram the false beliefs you have into more positive beliefs that will help you along the way to getting what you want in life.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

It's Been Crazy

I have been dealing with ringworm for over a month without seeing a doctor. It was  spreadingIt looks almost all gone now but I am still applying the anti fungal cream twice a day, taking yeast supplements,drinking 1 teaspoon of apple cider a day until I know for sure the fungus is all gone. I want to make extra sure. I still have red marks on my legs  but they are looking better. This is the major reason I haven't written here for a little while. Now I'm dealing with a really sore neck and a huge lump in my armpit which I know isn't likely breast cancer. It appearing fast in my armpit and was after using deodorant and probably friction against that armpit. I have also dealing with my out of control autistic brother. He has been driving my mom and I crazy.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thought I might play around and do some morphing on Morph Thing. These are some of the Morphs I made
Gollum and Obama's Baby
The baby is kind of cute

Morph of Obama and Gollum
funny and creepy

Morph of Chewbacca and Lady Gaga

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Book Review:The Tapping Solution

 I've known about EFT for 8 years by accidentally finding a book in the thrift store called The Phobia Cure. I bought the book and used EFT a little bit. I found more info online,but it never really kept my interest to do tapping. This book The Tapping Solution gave me the motivation to start tapping again and more often. I thought it was just another EFT book. This book makes it fun for me.

  The issues I have worked on so far were for my neck pain,money issues,low self-esteem, and trauma related to being bullied when I was a child.

  When I worked on healing my neck pain,it worked a little bit the first tapping round. The second time I tapped, the pain went completely away for that time being. I spent a little time tapping on money related issues,but haven't seen much of a difference. There are a lot of stuff related to money that I need to work on. For my issues of low self-esteem related to being bullied as a child, I have gotten some relief. I feel more accepting of myself as a person.

  I like the idea of the tapping tree which helps you dig at the root of a problem and the surrounding issues so that it's easier to know what to tap for.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Family First

Found out that can't get help for autistic brother because Asperger's now considered just a way of being.. His autism has gotten worse.He doesn't talk as much as he used to. In Utah autism is the highest.In Oregon there are more services and program for autistic people. They say families first in Utah,but don't want to help families.Our government needs to take more responsibility.

It's frustrating when you don't have a life and job because of a family  member with disabilities take up your time and energy.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Finally Starting my Books

I'm finally going to start writing my novel and nonfiction book. Some of the books topics I will be writing on are hypoglycemia and clearing energy blocks. One is horror stories and poems book.  The novel I haven't come up with ideas yet for.

Next post I write about  will be about autism

Friday, June 21, 2013

Comes in Threes

It seems that things sometimes comes in threes. The apartment I live in has cockroaches. There were pretty much gone until recently when a whole bunch infested the kitchen.Combat Gel worked for awhile, now it doesn't work so well. It's like the cockroaches have gotten smarter,

Ants have come inside again too.

Then the day before yesterday, the toilet completely flooded the bathroom.The handle broke recently. We had to call the office to send someone to fix the toilet and clean up the water.

I haven't gotten much done these past days,because the stress and dealing with these problems affect my thinking and memory,

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Autism Worse

It is hard taking care of an 23 year old with Asperger's who seems to be getting worse in the past three years. My brother now kind of talks to himself. He uses the bathroom sink as a toilet, He actually digs in the dumpster for foods even though we have plenty of food in the house. If he doesn't get better in a couple of years he may have to be put into a group home.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Get Rich,Lucky Bitch! Release Your Money Blocks...

by Denise Duffield-Thomas
This book is very good. It is fun to read. I learned how I can attract more money into my life by releasing my blocks to money.I just started and received $8.17 from an unexpected check in the mail. That doesn't seem like much but it is for me. A little bit here and there counts. Now I want to  take the Get Rich Lucky Bitch Boot Camp. Now I'll have to use what I learned from the book to try and manifest the money for it. It is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Parrot Joke

Here's another joke I like:

 David received a parrot for his birthday. This parrot was fully grown, with a bad attitude and worse vocabulary. David tried hard to change the bird's attitude and was constantly saying polite words, playing soft Israeli dance music, anything that came to mind. Nothing worked. He yelled at the bird, but the bird got worse. He shook the bird and the bird got madder and ruder.
Finally, in a moment of desperation, David put the parrot in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird squawking, kicking and screaming and then, suddenly, all was quiet. David was frightened that he might have actually hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door.
The parrot calmly stepped out onto David's extended arm and said, "I'm sorry that I offended you with my language and actions. I ask for your forgiveness. I will go to synagogue with you every week to pray and I will try to modify my behavour."
David was astounded at the bird's change in attitude and was about to ask what changed him when the parrot continued, "May I ask what the chicken did?"

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Book Review:The Kinslow System

I really like this book. I have read all of Frank Kinslow's books and this one is my favorite. It combines the info from the other books and includes extra stuff that wasn't in the other books.

The technique of finding Eufeeling and Pure Eufeeling is easier than I had thought. It wasn't until I read this book that I felt like I was doing it right and getting results doing the techniques.

For example, my mom had been suffering from bad airborne allergens for a couple of days. I watched my thoughts and waited for Eufeeling(doing the Triangulation technique). My mom was in the other room when I worked on her. She didn't know I was doing anything for her allergies. When I was done, I asked her if she felt anything. She said she had felt a sudden sense of calm.She was also very stressed at that time.

Later, I asked if her allergy symptoms were gone. She said she was feeling better. The next day and the day after she said she hadn't been feeling sick.

You can use QE for lots of things. I also used it recently to find my lost keys. I feel like I'm finally getting the hang of it. There are many different ways listed in the book that you can use QE for. I would like to work on healing family relationships and personal health issues.

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Joke of the Day

Thought I would post a joke for today.
The Joke: A cab driver picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and the cab driver won't stop staring at her.

She asks him why he is staring.

He replies: "I have a question to ask you, but I don't want to offend you".

She answers, "My son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as I am and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive."

"Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me."
She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that. But first, you have to be single and you must be Catholic."
The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I'm single and Catholic!"

"OK" the nun says. "Pull off to the side of the road, "maybe we will see what we can do."

The nun plants a whopper of a kiss on the cabbie! But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

"My dear child," said the nun, why are you crying?"
"Forgive me, but I've sinned. I lied. I must confess, I'm married and I'm Protestant"

The nun says, "That's OK, my name is Kevin and I'm going to a costume party!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Possible Weight Loss with Cayenne Pepper

I mentioned using Cayenne Pepper to heal my concussion symptoms. Well, lately I haven't been taking the Cayenne Pepper and noticed that I had lost 5 lbs. When taking it frequently, I lost 3lbs. I think that taking it, regulated my metabolism. In fact, I haven't changed my diet at all,except I was actually eating too much white flour and sugar. I could be wrong, but I noticed weight loss after taking cayenne pepper. I thought I was probably gaining weight,but turns out I was losing weight.This is so cool.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Paradox or Not?

I don't know anything,because the more I know, the more I realize I don't know. The more I know the more confusing the world becomes. It also seems that the more information that is out there, the more stupid people seem.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Vicodin

It has been almost a year exactly that my favorite show ever went off the air. That show was House.It was the only t.v. show that I have actually had the most empathy for especially the main character. The show was House. I first started watching it in 2006 at the end of season two. From then on I was hooked. I watched and recorded every new episode. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have that show to look forward to. We had a tragedy in our family and it was pulled me through.I could sympathize with the character House the most.. Then in August 2009, I had my concussion and missed two seasons of the show. Thinking of when I get to see my favorite show again, helped me through my disability and pain. I got hooked onto other t.v. shows on DVD from the library. The reason I couldn't watch House was because we got the cable,therefore no tv at all) disconnected  a couple of months after my injury. We got cable back a few months before the last season was going to air. Anyways that is why that that show has helped me be a stronger person despite the pain I've suffered the last 7 years. That show was and still is my Vicodin.. Forever

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A New Perspective in LIfe

I have struggled with social anxiety since my teen years.I mean I've always been quiet and reserved, but my problem came full blown in my teens.I have felt like I haven't been as successful  as I could be if I didn't have it.  I've probably had so may missed opportunities because of it. No longer do I want to hide in the shadows. I want to succeed in so much. I know that being stuck at home keeps me socially isolated but I miss the outside world and all the people including the rude ones. I swear that I will probably be smiling at everyone and everything. In a way, my condition has given me a new perspective in life. I want to live life to the fullest. and reach my goals. It just saddens me that it takes a disability to get a new perspective in life.I wish people could see life as I'm starting to see it. I wish people wouldn't get so upset over trivial things,cause it seems like everyone is mad at someone or mad about something.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mother's Day is Tomorrow

Mother's Day is tomorrow and don't have any money to spend on my mom for the occasion. Instead I plan on giving her a massage,doing some Reiki on her and practicing Quantum Entrainment and Matrix Energetics on her. It will be for physical  aches and pains,allergies,depression,and releasing of trapped emotions. I'm not much experienced in these but my mom will be my guinea pig. If you don't know what these things are google them. I might make something online for her(don't know what) and send her a Mother's Day e-card

Monday, May 6, 2013

Depression Sucks

Depression is hard on me. I suffer from depression  so does my mom and my siblings. It is hard to see the people you love suffer and not know how to help them. Its been  hard when I know I'm getting better and seeing them miserable. Seeing their unhappiness makes me feel unhappy.  I know that happiness comes from within. It feels hard when you have the resources and info that could help them (because they helped you) and they are close-minded and/or not willing to work on it. There are lots of possible causes for depression and therefore can be helped. Thoughts and diet can play a part. My family and I have a lot of symptoms  of hypoglycemia and food allergies/sensitivities. All these things can contribute to depression.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I have felt 'Aimless' for a long time for the past 13 years. It's no surprise that it is an anagram of my name 'Melissa'. I've been wanting to write books as a career,but haven't even started really.When I was in high school the school counselor said I couldn't be just a writer. So I guess my life had been wasted these years trying to find what else I wanted to be. I've discovered that I can be a writer if I want to. Maybe I could have an online business(because I want to work for myself). I therefore figure I can probably do both. I procrastinate too much and want to overcome it it all areas of my life.

Friday, May 3, 2013

I've had a life of embarrassing moments, but one that sticks out in my mind is when I when to the fair in '97 when I was 16 years old. I wore a dress. I don't know why I wore a dress to the fair. I guess I wasn't plan on going on many rides.I went to the Fun house figuring it was safe. On the second floor, a gust of air came shooting up(part of the ride, I guess) and blew my dress up in the air. I looked down and a couple had saw what happened and laughed.Also I didn't have the best underwear on as I was on my period. So embarrassing!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cats. I miss having pets. I'm a big cat person. I must have been Egyptian in a past life,because I practically worship them.LOL. It sucks living in an apartment which doesn't allow any kind of pets(not even goldfish). In the last place I lived in was a duplex and they allowed pets.I'm moving back to Oregon in a couple of months and hopefully into a place that will allow them.

Monday, April 29, 2013

   I finished this book called E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself 
Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts
                                                        Create Your Reality
  Being a big fan of quantum physics and the law of attraction, I looked forward to reading this book. I managed to manifest this book easily and free through Hay House. I could not do three of the none experiments, I succeeded in four out of the six I tried. I know that likely the other two would have worked if I had been more focused. I have done similar experiments before at times and they worked.They worked when I put more focus and visualization into them.

  I tried experiment #1(The Dude Abides Principle) and it worked within two hours.

  I tried #4(The Abracadabra Principle),but didn't get the thing I was trying to manifest.
  For experiment #5(The Dear Abby Principle), I received my answer in the affirmative.

  In the #7 experiment(The Jenny Craig Principle), I lost 1lb. I knew of this experiment before and I did lose weight then.

  For #8(The 101 Dalmatians Principle),I did not receive any response from my target.

  Lastly,in experiment #9(The Fish and Loaves Principle), I did notice more good things in my life.

  This book is great. Even though it felt like a bit of as rehash of other books,I did learn new things. I found the author wrote in a down-to-earth way and mixed with humor. The only negative thing I have to say about the book is that it did not explain technique in detail as I would have like it to. Other than that, it is a great book.

FTC Disclosure:
I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

Cayenne Pepper is a miracle for me. It had helped heal my heal a bit from dizziness caused by Post Concussion Syndrome and has helped with my digestion issues. I had diarhhea and upset stomach issues. I don't know what else it may have helped, but those were the obvious ones. There are a lot of things that cayenne could help with

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sorry for not posting here for a long time, but I have been busy for the past couple of months. I vow to post more often. I've read a few good books lately and and now I'm reading The Secret Code to Success by Noah St. John and Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley. They're great so far. I like the idea of afformations rather than affirmations(from the Secret Code to success). I've been reading a lot of self-help books lately.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

My neck has been hurting badly for the past couple of months. I thought it was the way i was sleeping, but it still hurts. It is hard to keep my head up sometimes. I find that cold water helps temporarily. I should try  to do some Reiki on myself.