Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A New Perspective in LIfe

I have struggled with social anxiety since my teen years.I mean I've always been quiet and reserved, but my problem came full blown in my teens.I have felt like I haven't been as successful  as I could be if I didn't have it.  I've probably had so may missed opportunities because of it. No longer do I want to hide in the shadows. I want to succeed in so much. I know that being stuck at home keeps me socially isolated but I miss the outside world and all the people including the rude ones. I swear that I will probably be smiling at everyone and everything. In a way, my condition has given me a new perspective in life. I want to live life to the fullest. and reach my goals. It just saddens me that it takes a disability to get a new perspective in life.I wish people could see life as I'm starting to see it. I wish people wouldn't get so upset over trivial things,cause it seems like everyone is mad at someone or mad about something.

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